9th Century
AD Lettish people settle in what in now Latvia.
1237 Latvia is part of Livonia, domain of the Teutonic
1521 First Reformation service held in St. Peter’s
Church in Riga.
1524 First Lutheran church founded in Latvia.
1561 Livonia breaks up. Poland absorbs Latgale and Vidzeme.
Courland becomes an independent duchy under Polish suzerainty.
1621 Swedish king Gustav Adolf II marches into Riga,
bringing “Swedish Times” of liberalization and progress.
1652-1715 Ernst Glück translates Bible into the
Lettish language.
1700 Beginning of the 21-year Nordic War between Russia
and Sweden.
1710 The provinces of Vidzeme and Riga come under Russian
1739 John Wesley is inspired by the Herrnhuter work to
evangelize America.
1772 Latgale comes under Czarist rule.
1795 Russia controls Kurzeme and essentially all of Latvia.
1861, March 17 Serfdom is abolished under Tsar Alexander
1868 Karlis Tarziers is born.
1869 Jüle Ozolis is born.
1891 Karlis Tarziers and Jüle Ozolis marry.
1893 Osvalds is born to Karlis and Jüle.
1894 Janis is born to Karlis and Jüle.
1897, autumn Anna-Otilija is born to Karlis and Jüle.
1899 Karlis is born to Karlis and Jüle Tarziers.
1901, February 27 Robert Tarziers is born to Karlis and
Jüle Tarziers in Druviena, Latvia.
1902 Adolf is born to Karlis and Jüle, dies shortly
after birth.
1903, July 9 Peteris Tarziers is born to Karlis and Jüle
in Druviena, Latvia.
1905 Olga Shoenwald is born in Latvia. Latvia’s
independence movement is brutally suppressed by Russia.
1909, summer Karlis’ mother dies in Druviena, Latvia.
1914, August World War I begins
1917, February Tsar Nicholas abdicates in Moscow.
1940, October 18 Timothy Laimon Tarziers is born to Robert
and Olga in Riga, Latvia.
1941, June 14 14,693 Latvians are rounded up and deported
to Stalis’s Gulags.
1941 Germans are welcomed as liberators in Latvia.
1942 Jüle Tarziers dies in Porto Alegre, Brazil,
age 73.
1943, August 24 Aina Tarziers is born to Robert and Olga
in Riga, Latvia.
1944, August Robert and Olga Tarziers and their four
children escape to Sweden.
1944 Latvia becomes the 15th Soviet Socialist Republic.
1945, May 8 World War II ends in Europe.
1946, April 8 Robert and Olga Tarziers and their four
children arrive in New York on the Dröttningholm.
1948 Janis Ozolins, Anna-Otilija, and their three daughters
are shipped off to Siberia, where Janis dies.
1950 Sovietization of Latvia is essentially completed.
1953 Josef Vissarianovich Stalin dies.
1956 Anna-Otilija returns to Latvia with her three daughters.
1964 Olga Shoenvald Tarziers dies in Tennessee, age 59.
1966 Robert Tarzier visits his brother in Brazil.
1972, June 9 Pedro Tarsier (Peteris) dies in Porto Alegre,
Brazil, age 68.
1984 Emilia Tarsier dies in Porto Alegre, Brazil, age
1991, August Communism collapses in the USSR.
1991, September 6 The three Baltic states break free
from the USSR and become independent states once again. They are admitted
to the UN later in the month.
1993, February 18 Robert Tarzier dies in Tennessee, age
1994 Last Russian troops leave Latvia.
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